Down time: a great buzz word, but often not a reality. I am the worst! Down time for me is often defined as working from my iPad instead of my computer. Not Good. Not good at all! Why is downtime so important? There is a little creative river running through us that will spring up new thoughts, insights and fun ideas if we only allow ourselves to swim in it.
When you are wiped out from a long day, ran too many errands, didn’t sleep, or maybe even had a few too many cocktails to reduce the stress, this little river gets muddied; the rocks pile up and the flow is blocked. Once this happens, you have lost your chance for the creative thoughts or problem solving ideas to spring forth.
My radar on this is very high. I’ve learned to pay attention when my little river rushes up and says “it’s time; you haven’t visited for a while.” I know I need to allow just fifteen minutes to look through a magazine or even take a weekend to myself to make art and reconnect with nature and myself. I’m not always afforded the luxury of a getaway, but by paying attention when I am depleted, a waterfall of creative inspiration rushes in, just by allowing it to happen.
Make a 15-minute date with down time and see what springs up!