There is no right or wrong way to be an artist. Yes, I just saw that eye roll when you said to yourself, “I’m not an artist.” When we create, we are given the opportunity to engage with the world without judging ourselves; if we allow ourselves not to judge.

Give yourself permission to take risks, try new things, and take a mental break from beating yourself up. Think of all the creativity you could share if you freed up some of that energy to make art.

Now, I see that look of terror on your face. The biggest barrier to creating is fear. Did you know that when adults are asked to remember a jolting memory from childhood, which changed the way they felt about themselves, fifty percent of the experiences shared were tied to creativity?

Resolve to absolve the fear. The only way to remove your art scars are to paint over them. Still scared? Think about it this way. Where else can you find another activity where there is no way to get it wrong? Are you fond of the feeling of being right? Creativity is your friend. It’s just waiting for you to show up and play.