Do you like this outfit? My new boyfriend? The color I painted my house? We’ve all been guilty at some point, or in my case, multiple times in our lives when we care more about what other people think then what we think about ourselves. It’s easy to fall into this trap.

Approval is a natural way to feel accepted by others. It also blocks creativity, imagination or even the ability to speak up and share your true opinion? It plays a big part in holding you back from making core decisions that are right for you and only you. Think about it? How can anyone else REALLY know what is right for you except for YOU?

It sounds easy but honestly the process of arriving to the place of not caring about what others think is a process. The need for approval and people pleasing used to eat me up inside. I eventually figured out it was because I’d actually lost the ability to form my own individual opinion.

Where do you want to eat? Wherever you want to go. Which movie do you want to see. The one you picked. When I went with what you wanted. I didn’t have to figure out what I wanted. Easy peasy until it wasn’t working for me anymore.

I took specific steps to find my voice. First, I embraced the value of my opinion and let go of the value I put on other’s opinions. Next, I found my true voice and used it to express my real thoughts. Most importantly, I let go of my own self critic and I haven’t missed her since!

It is human nature to doubt yourself but if you try practicing these subtle but impactful shifts you’ll find your inner voice and find the courage to express it without fear of judgement.